Haldimand County, Dunnville 1911 census
Every Surname Index
1911 Census Transcriber: Helen Fortney
Haldimand County, Dunnville, District 75, Subdistrict 43
Page 1: Brown, Epson, Telfer, Randall, Schoffield, Johnston, Shields, Culp, Sturch, Alexander,
Bowden, Kineer, Jones, Stevens,Vollick, Noonan, Depotty
Page 2: Depotty, Martin, Smallback, Coleberry, Warden, Krantz, Rittenhouse, Everett, McBay,
Caulford, Shirton, Mawburney, Stevens, Angle, Oxford
Page 3: Oxford, Ferguson, Backus, Depotty, Night, McDowell, Schier, Kelly, Dompher,
Hunt, House, Cook, Glaves, Dykes, Crayston, Riggins, Dochstader, Blake
Page 4: Blake, Bessey, Hall, Dickout, Logan, Harris, Phillips, Spence, Frallick, Camelford,
Barrie, MacQuillan
Page 5: MacQuillan, Honsberger, Smith, House, Follick, Barnes, Misener, Morris, Hanigan
Page 6: Hoffman, Ryan, Hammond, Armstrong, Ward, Angle, Mackesty, Bradt, Nie, Brooks,
Dumbrice, Hammond, Lambier, Goodfellow, Burnham, Lambert, Hines
Page 7: Hines, Mackesty, Lambert, Culp, Lodge, Nie, bush, Hardsell, Patterson, Moore,
Page 8: McMertry, Milway, Anger, Camelford, Whitwell, Sherk, Smith, Ford, Bordon, Honsberger,
Boral, Foreman, Kellins, Maiden, Shirton, Green, Matthews
Page 9: Matthews, Melhenbacher, Nickerson, Lambert, Billiard, Happell, Lymburner, Campling,
McGraw, Burt, Leavy, Smith, Store, Byrne
Page 10: Martin, Mackey, Smith, Miller, Armstrong, Moore, Hoffman, Stevenson, Dunham,
Mojot, Night, Asher
Page 11: Asher, Geram, Wilcox, Garrett. Loeldon, Milne, Garner, Thorp, Burnham, Lambert,
Holmes, Smith, Gee, Stine, Marshall, Patterson, Boyd, Bonphner, Moore
Page 12: Moore, McDowell, Jones, Larden, Thomas, Clifford, Wardell,Bell, Minor, Jamerson,
Brick, Ramsey, Craig, Awde, Buares, Shepherd, Happell, Burnham, Holden
Page 13: Stenlake, Jackson, Vanslack, Mackersty, Swartz, Smithers, Manear, McDonnel, I?due
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