1911 Census Lambton County, Brooke Township
Every Surname Index
Lambton County, District 87 Brooke Township Subdistrict 11
Transcriber Elaine Magnan
page 1: Campbell, Oke, Paisley, McLean, Oke, Ellis, Lightfoot,
Oke, Pruce, Benstead, Oke, McLachlan, Kerr, Croft, Risk
page 2: Risk, McLachlan, Wallis, McNeil, Bucek, Zegula, Sibisto,
Dupek, Sara, Oke, Wallis, McLean, McNeil, Bourne
page 3: Bourne, Ross, Allsebrook, Bowie, Ross, Allsebrook, Patterson,
Astle, Douglas, Gregory, Patterson, Skirrett, Ross, Young, Gardiner,
Patterson, Astle, Mitchell
page 4: Mitchell,l Pierce, Atchison, McAlpine, Beattie, ?Slough,
Luke, Oke, Shields, Downing, Ormerod/Ormend?, McVicar
page 5: Clark, Smith, Evans, White, Pavey, Pruce, Reader, Lawton,
Calhoun, Reader, B?orford, Temple, McVicar, Bowden, Werden, McIntyre
page 6: Miller, Barnes, Oke, Smith, Mugan, Campbell, Morcom, Walkerson,
Blair, Armstrong, McAlpine, McKellar
page 7: McKellar, Swartz, Gilroy, Leaston?, Pierce, Thompson, Forsnan/Foreman?,
Wilson, Turner, Munro, Kinna?, McNeil, Walker, Leitch, McKellar,
page 8: Golderick, McKenzie, Downie, Livingston, Hayes, Rickard,
McIntyre, McPhail, Campbell, McKay, Aukett, McIntyre, McLachlan,
Gough, McPhail, Campbell
page 9: McIntyre, Hurst, Oke, Smith, McLean, McDougall, Hayter,
Moore, Carrathers,
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