Lambton Sarnia 1911 census
Every Surname Index
1911 Census Transcriber: Elaine Magnan
Lambton West District 88 Sarnia Sub-district Number: 47
24 pages
page 1: McLaughlin, Thomas, Hertzburg, Harris, Copland?, Burchfield?, Fitzgibbons?,
DAvidson, Sutherland/Gillisland?, Marshall, Swain?, Carrow/Carson, McMahon, Nichol, Balls, Miller,
Miller, Burrow/Broner?
page 1 streets: Christina, Talfourd
page 2: Brown/Broner?, Raven, McIntyre, Marshall, Holmes, Ferguson, Brown, Johnston,
Taylor, Love, Jarew?, Miller, McCarthy?, Waite?, McGatebow?, McGilbow?, Barrie, Laugton?, Manley?
page 2 streets: Talfourd, Devine, Queen
page 3: Lentin?, Fowler, Elliott, McRoberts, Russel?, McRoberts, Davidson,
Robinson, McMurties?, ?Marrin, Brody?, Riley, Holleran?, Bertrand, Hancock, Murray?
page 3 streets: Queen, Johnston, Vidal, Christina, Devine
page 4: Murray, McLellan Chistin, Barr, Stokes, Piggott, Stokes, Proctor, Pothinger,
Frayne, McGibbon, Cooper, Gibb, Shimk/Shintre??, Parks
page 4 streets: Queen, Devine, Vidal
page 5: Zarde?, Black, McEdwards, Saylor?, Armstrong, Telfer, Burnson?,
Ward, Murphy, McLellan, Pothinger, Jolly/Polly, Proctor, McGibbon, Oldham,
Knapp, Pubin?, Liel, Bain, McArthur, Weston, Ferguson
page 5 streets: Vidal, Queen, Christina
page 6: Ferguson, Brown, Prate?, Garvin, Brown, DAvis, Lowe, Ashby, Fletcher,
Crown, Milne, Lacroix, Laplante, Kennedy
page 6 streets: Vidal
page 7: Erwin, Woodward/Woodcock?, Codling?, Taylor, Borthwick, Schram, Wills,
Simpson, Fothnby?, Randall, Simpson, Brown, Monroe, Brown, Jennant?, Richardson, Doxtator?
page 7 streets: Vidal, Brock
page 8: Doxtator, Best, Bell, McIntosh, Elmslis?, Hethrington, Doney?, Owen, Crawford,
Smith, McArthur, Fry, Shillingham, Zard, Barnes. Hennens?
page 8 streets: Brock, Talfourd, Vidal
page 9: Hecrnus?, Reeves, White, Murphy, Thomas, Aiken?, Harris, Hardy, Skurath?
Pitfield, McLellan, Harris, Harrown, Rowden, Connair?, Graham
page 9 streets: Vidal , Talfourd, Brock
page 10: Hartley, Dennis, Crawford, Barnes, Gibbs, Wilson, Austin,
Bentley, Kans?, Law, Van-Horn?, McLellan, Potter?,
page 10 streets: Brock, Wellington, Brock
page 11: Potter, Tyler, Williams, McDonald, Laforge, Johnston, Brand,
Laurin/Laurie?, Ballock, Streethus?, Robb, Wadland, Elliott, Bradt, Richards,
Budd?, Rusbridge, Wade,
page 11 streets: Brock, Talfourd, Confederation
page 12: Wade, Burky?, Housman, Helmstin, Booker, Breithridge,
Pitfield, Everett, Wesfir?, Fisher, Gray, Barclay, Graham, Listen, Hunter,
Carruthers, McGush/McGurk?
page 12 streets: Crawford, Wellington
page 13: McGush/McGurk?, Herst?, Best, Newball, Wilson, Nelson, O'Hare, Dailey,
Campbell, MOrrison, Mitchell, Kirk, Wise, Norwood, Van Alstin, McMillan,
Johnson, Griffen, Adgate, Chandler, Slack
page 13 streets: Wellington, crawford, Talfourd, Margaret, Devine
page 14: Slack, Spenser, Purres?, Patterson, McEachran?, Praterson?,
Emery?, Jontifran?, Scott?, Arnold, Harris, Butler, Garball?, Welch, Clinton,
Turacomb?, Stepler, Nelson, Walsh, Moore, Wright
page 14 streets: Devine, Talfourd, Confederation, Crawford, Brock
page 15: Wright, Wilson, Croushman?, Smith, Turk/Tush?, Lapointe, Duncan, Rooney?,
Dunnontir?, McIntyre, Paul?, Lambert, McVicar, Gowin/Gowie?, Kelley
page 15 streets: Crawford, Wellington
page 16: Kelley, Johnston, McGregor, Moses, McNamara, Irvine,
Robinson, Thett?, Burns, Moore?, Howard, InmanLerman?, Tyr
page 16 streets: Wellington, Crawford, Mitten
page 17: Dier, Morrison, Jackson, Lislir?, McIlhagga?, Mittirk?, Graw,
Lisslir?, Humphrey, Ward, McKay, Harrison, Cadwell, Smith
page 17 streets: Mitten, Wellington, Stuart, Talfourd, Brock, Margaret
page 18: Armstrong, Edwards, Whittaker, Dumford, Hay, Richards?,
Orenhydt?, Day, Jarrott, Donahue?, McDougall, Wright, Forsner, Ross?, McLaughlin,
Rosenburg, Reid
page 18: streets: Margaret, Talfourd, Emma, Richard
page 19: Reid, Lagrire?, Krays, Carson?, Mackenzie, Hall, White,
Bullman, Buchanan, Sands, Hughson?, Wilkinson, Britton, Drydowns?,
Beebe, Dennis
page 19 streets: Richard, Emma, Devine, Christina, Devine
page 20: Dennis, Reeves, Wells, Winfey?, Smith, Sharpe,
McGibbon, Henning?, Longhial?, Story, Braburn, Campbell,
Van-Alstine?, Broughting, Doherty, Mankenzie?, Doherty, Graham
Kerr, Salabury, Milne
page 20 streets: Devine, Christina, Johnston, Front
page 21: Milne, Edwards, Mann, Wright, Allmaro?, Gosching,
Mackenzie, Armstrong?, Renton?, Fitzgerald, Bright, Dutch?, Cooley?,
Irwin/Quick?, McCullock?, Farquharson?, Hays?, Ellis, Crawford,
shillingham, Hunter, Watson, Irving, Milles?, Robinson
page 21 streets: Front, Wellington, Christina
page 22: Benson?, Watson, Batshaw, Batson, Siddars?, Phillips, Woodcock?,
Johnston, Tyfish?, Powers, Sirdivan?, Leach, Smith, Ellis, Johnston,
Sarnis?, Ranshaw?, Shea, Armstrong
page 22 streets: Christina, Queen
page 23: Armstrong, McGibbons, Gilliland, Walsh, Mackenzie?, Cochran?,
McDonald, Feather, Thomas?, Bradshaw, Collum?, Proctor, Campbell,
Sinclair, Baird, Jesthryn? Porter?, Maundrell
page 23 streets: Queen, Johnston, Queen, Christina, Devine
page 24: Maundrell, Brown, Milligan?, McDonald, Hayes, Kelley, Worthington?
page 24 streets: Devine, Wellington, Christina
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