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Muskoka, Medora Twp, Wood Twp 1911 census

Every Surname Index

1911 Census Transcriber: Heather Bertram
Muskoka, 98, Medora Twp, Wood Twp SubDistrict #25

pg 1 Mortimer, Fleming, Fowler, Noble, Thompson, Lee, Bickmere, Turkentine, Martin, Anderson

pg 2 Fowler, Fenn, Morton, White, Wat???, Walker, Parker, Wittiko?, Massey, Kelly, ???eigh, Graham, Wilson, Edwards

pg 3 Best, Swartman, Kurst, Thompson, Patterson, Johnson, Haidhal, Moon, Frederick, White, Egny?, McComb, Smith, May, ????tiver, Guy, ?anc, Stewart, Harbourne

pg 4 Harbourne, Hurbert, Harrant, F?rguson, White, ?????, James, Swirtsman, ?airkel, Fritz, Cutler, ?ikins, Batter, Smith Burgess, Clerk

pg 5 Adams, Henshaw, Orgill, Hudson, James, ?ight, ?eask, ??xar, Peters, Chambers, Fridler, Cole, Duncan

pg 6 Duncan, Fennell, Stewart, Montegue, Vraser, Daly, Johnson, Roberts, Still, Davis, DeForest, Lockhart

pg 7 Lockhart, Geall, Gostick, Figgs, Honziger, Roe, ??esser, Demel, McDonald, Shutter, ?oxon, McLead, Honeyman

pg 8 Honeyman, Hall, Speller, McDonald, Hurd, Harrington, Barrett, McLeod, Tracy, McKenzie, O'Haloran

pg 9 O'Halloran, Fawcett, Burgess, Bund?, Inmore, Green, Sampson, Wright, Woodruff

pg 10 Woodruff, Radcliff, Wilson, Decare, Masey, Coter, Busher, Brain

pg 11 Wilson, Green CPR Boarding cars at Medora, Angio, Kristoff, Lature, Srioffolone, Mikoff, Slovikoff, Ginoff, Petkoff, Storanoff, Hersanoff, Kaniff, Damiesoff, Koleff, Dinoff, Maniff, Mariskoff, Evansoff, Kerckoff, Marinoff, Bam??, Opeoff, Baganhoff, Kerchoff Smyth, JOseph, McGuire, Clements

pg 12 Clements, Jones, Barnes, Huggitt, Bailey, Wisemiller, Hobbs, Stewart, Gardner, Zucker, Monerhan, Allen, ?akestraw, Dixon, Suter, Marshall, Smith, Cripps, Gilbert, Gonninger, Bagaloff, Greerm McLean, Lemay, Duff, Parker

pg 13 Matz

CPR Boarding Car, Stephen, Jelleff, Fibi, Pissardo, Dephiloff, Proynoff Harper, Youman, Kelly, Humpfry, Race, Lequiger, McKinnon, Lee, Davis, Berrick, Bird, Herinn, Taylor, Leach

pg 14 Watkinson, Mason, taske, Henshaw, Buggett, Ponking?, Tucker, May, Scholey, Jackson, White, Cofie, Burgess

pg 15 Burgess, Redmond, Knight, Pike, Orchard, Campbell, Sammons, Jackson, Decare, Hamill, T?f?fies, Walker

pg 16 Walker, McBride, Cursie, Board, Hodgins, Sopher, Scholl, Roades, Nickols, Langdon, Tolton or Totton, Anderson, Sutton, Hamill, McDivitt, Stinson, Tupper, Best, Carr

pg 17 Carr, Stewart, Burgess, Walden, Hurling, Bennies, Whiting, Harding, ?ries, Smith, Round, Packer

pg 18 Silk, Coleman, Remington, Ray, Connelly, Jestin, Homuth, Woodroe, Veitch, McIntyre, Hain, Rose

pg 19 Rose, Johnson, Hicks, Keeler, Price, Holt, Hunter, Welsh, Luscumbe, Bailey, Seager, Wells, Black, Broadly, Trowell, Lawson

pg 20 Lawson, Hewlett, Thompson, Kaye, Smith, Smyth, Sherbroke, Newman, Ridley, Schell, Gillon, Bradley

pg 21 Newman, Green, ?oframuria, Ostrander, Duffy, Walker, Pratt, Berry, Barnes, Lake, Wilks, McKinnon

pg 22 Ballie, Schell, Campbell, Redmond, Ensom, Hudson, Nettleton, Norris, Stevens, Wagstaff

pg 23 Nelson, Gadbold, Daiganult, Willison, Dodd, Barlow, Lancaster, Lemay, Hideman, Bradley, Armstrong, Smith, Lamoria

pg 24 Lamoria, Lalonde, Lemay, Green, Henry, Schell, Smith, McClean, Franklin, Flemming

pg 25 Smith, Franklin, Paterson, Irwin, McGregor, McAlpine, Lemay, Quivermont, Connell, Bastedo, Tinney, Malter, Veith, Biers

pg 26 Biers, Stromberg, Lepard, Owens, Palinery, Papst, McGirnary, Spencer, James, Matez

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