Muskoka, Morrison, Severn Bridge 1911 census
Every Surname Index
1911 Census Transcriber: Heather Bertram
Muskoka District 98, Morrison, Severn Bridge SubDistrict #11
pg 1 Schell, Middlebrooks
pg 2 Schell, Goerk, Graham, Church, Larkins, Heidmann, McDonald,
pg 3 Sopher [3 surnames that were scratched out with a note indicating
that they were transferred to Toronto 125], Johnston, Carruthers,
Lewis Heindmann, Schultz, Benzinger, Middlebrooks, Jarick, McPhee,
Elliott, McNutt, Dierks
pg 4 Heindmann, McKinnon, McDonald, Schultz, Jarick, Boyers, Roach,
Raymond, McKernon, Courtney
pg 5 McKewon, Hughes, Evans, Ellcote, Stothersd, Zeats, Stien, Schultz,
McCormick, Armstrong, McPhee
Pg 6 McPhee, Haines, Franklin, Jones [2 surnames that were scratched
out with a note indicating that they were transferred to Toronto 125],
Snelgrove, ??nillie Sanderson, Robinson, Boyd, White, Seehanan, McDonald,
McCormick, Gill, Anderson, Cook, Cockerill, Von Alma
pg 7 Von Alma, Clinold, Duncan, Hunt [3 surnames that were scratched
out with a note indicating that they were transferred to Toronto 125],
Wyehtman, Parkhill, Brizel Sopher, Corbett, Kidd, Goheen
pg 8 Duncan, Lockhart, Robinson, Bomemann, Hennamir, Lehmann, Blair,
Beatty, Weir, Greeenwood, Whyte, Steele, Boyd, Kluey, Little
pg 9 Robinson, Sanderson, Seehanen, Heye, Menzel, Wiancko, Friezer,
Cliphsham 2 surnames that were scratched out with a note indicating
that they were transferred to Toronto 125, Oakley, Jennings Bomemann
pg 10 Bomemann, McConnell, McKenzie, Fairchild, Young, Maher, Hicks,
Robinson, Sanderson, Bedford, Barnes
pg 11 Parks, Bell, Morrison, Grey, Coats, Lynch, Thompson, Young,
Greig, Montgomery, Henderson, Draper, Armstrong, Smith, Canning, Frost,
Roach, Bennett
pg 12 Bennett, White, Bishop, Canning, Cluey, Doolittle, McGuire,
McCullough, Johnston
pg 13 McGuire, Younger, Sanderson, Doolittle, Kluey, Miller, Duggan,
Irwin, Cronsin, Whitesides, Fydell, Bowers, Grant, Bagley
pg 14 Bagley, Hunder, Canning, Anderson, Cox, Collins, Lloyd, Bayley,
pg 15 Oldfield, Davis, Miller, Bayley, Henderson, Younger, Eaglson,
Roach, Keeler, Edmunds, Campbell
pg 16 Campbell, Frizell, Brady Note: Start of Severn Bridge Canning,
Kluey, Johnston, McAuley, McClelland, McDermaid, Duglas, Young, Kett
pg 17, Severn Bridge Johnson, Howe, Guttridge, Ramsay, Foster, Manson,
Boyd, Parker, Jackson, Forsythe, Gallagher, Rennie, Fossitt, Marshall
pg 18, Severn Bridge Marshall, Montgomery, Mearing, Carr, Higgins,
Benner, Hoiston, Miller, Manson, Beatty, Jackson, Semple, Rogers
pg 19, Severn Bridge Reddon End of Severn Bridge McLean, Young, Bailey,
Alexander, Shelby, Ambrose, Timmins, Bagley, McNabb, Wilson, Noble
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