1911 Canadian Census
Every Surname Index
Ontario - District 100: Norfolk County, Walsingham South, District 100, Sub-district 34
8 pages
1911 Canadian Census transcriber: Carol Morrow
Page 1: Ostrander, Skuce, Humphrey, Humphrey, Franklin, Pitman, Ostrander, Welch, Sharp, Franklin, Buchner, McDonald
Page 2: Foster, Marin, Bint, Foster, Petit, Foster, Abbott, Abbott, Casha..?, Baron, Cronkright, Brown, Bain, Fick, Brook
Page 3: Rockefelow, Ostrander, Smith, Brown, Abbott, Chamberlain, Cadogan, Overbaugh, Lutes, McIntire, Chamberlain, Aspden, Wickman, Mansfield, Johnson, Charlton
Page 4: Myers, Overbaugh, Overbaugh, Overbaugh, Overbaugh, Rockefelow, Overbaugh, Oakes, Rockefelow, Pook, Delmer, Biddle, Bennett, Biddle, Johnson, Fick
Page 5: Fick, Bain, Myers, Miller, ?er, Bidale, Robins, Moss, Butston, Roberts, Hill, Oakes, Rohrer, Pickard, Marr, Marr, Lafortune
Page 6: Beaman, Bowman, Foster, Foster, Foster, Foster, Foster, Durkee, Marston, Biddle, Foster, Brown, Foster, Foster, Osborne, Miller, Moss, Overbaugh, Butcher
Page 7: Smith, Tate, Rockefelow, Ashford, Tate, Hibbard, Hicks, Mansfield, Sharp, Ba??, Blumenstein, Lambert, Alward
Page 8: Millen, Ashford, Laforge, Shindon?
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