Ontario North, Rama Twp & Longford Mills 1911 census
Every Surname Index
1911 Census Transcriber: Heather Bertram
Ontario North, 103, Rama Twp & Longford Mills Subdistrict #17
pg: 1
Stamp, Oransby, Br??son, Huckins, Robertson, Donovan, Jones, Fourne, Watt, Curran, Howell, Githous
pg: 2
Lefebvee, Cooper, Murdock, Shaw, McAuley, Rutherford, Zoe, Robinson, Bowman, Bateman, Bristol, Hows
pg: 3
Filkins, Van Norman, Groves, Watson, harper, Thorn, McIntosh, Hilditch, Mather, Nugent, Murdock
pg: 4
Murdock, Bidwell, Morrison, ?????, Needler, Graham, Cahpman, Hartan, Sarz, McRae, Nann?, McAuley, Moore, Lawrence, Gaughan, Fewson, Kemp, Watt
pg: 5
Curran, Ledouceur, Bagster, Wigney, Hopkins, Multby, Smith, McKony, Dunn, Robinson, Boyd, Goring, Ashman, McNabb, Barron
pg: 6
Jones, McPherson, Morrison, Watt, Morrison, Geach, Graham, Bowman, Fike, Edwards, Gayman, Ir???, McBirnie, McTaggart, Win???lin, Conbroug
pg: 7
Morton, Bingliello
Quarry workers
Guuolo, Valentini, Sandsboriu, West, Aueroes, Peitro, Salbucci, Cebos, Olivastori, Surters, Perala, WinkKen??, Roski
end of quarry workers
Morgan, Kimberly, Prior, Candler, Jones, Finton
pg: 8
Quarry Worker - Pellan?aa
Robertson, Robinson, Woods, McFadden, McDonald, Alliwell, Johnston, Kirkin, Adams, Bridgefoat, Shaw, Cochrane, Graham, McLeod
pg: 9
Goring, Trenworth, Garrett, Sharpe, Kerr, Stoyle, Hopper, Millar, Clark, Bennett, Schriber, Meikle, Shaw
pg: 10
Digby, Hudson
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