Simcoe County, Creemore, 1911 census
Every Surname Index
Simcoe County, Creemore, District 120, Subdistrict 46
13 pages
1911 Census Transcriber: Wendy Thompson
Page 1: Mackay, Dickenson, Newlove, Watson, Akitt, Cooper, Currie, Burkholder, Bell, Marshall, Webster, Watson, Ambereley, McNabb, Young, Somerville, McKelligan
Page 2: Barber, Weatherup, La Chappelle, Marshall, La Chappell, Campbell, Weatherup, Cherry, Collins, McKendrie, Pleurs, Cooper, Mackay, Casey
Page 3: Casey, Adams, Duff, Newall, Perry, McCutcheon, McCormick, Gillespie, Deck, Orr, Johnston, Mackay, Day, Lawrence, Head, Cambell, Boyd, Mackay, Cavanagh, B????n; Brown, Butcher
Page 4: Butcher, B??s, Kimlar, Trew, Nicol, Brooks, Duff, Robinson, Blackburn, Nesbitt, Day, Decker, Duff, Bun??r; Hood, Small, Allen, Nicol, D?, McNicol, Coates
Page 5: Coates, Sutherland, Burrows, Barrie, Kenny, Cameron, Kierman, Treadgold, Matchett, Taylor, Rown, McDonald, Kerr, Gowan, McKee, Morrow, Johnston, Gillespie, Grant, Flynn, Manning, Lott, Davis, Scarrow
Page 6: Scarrow, Gallaway, Johnston, Akitt, Davison, Watson, Madill, Johnston, Stone, Currie, Woods, Gowan, Pirie, Miller, Miles
Page 7: Young, Gallaway, Bradley, Budge, Copeland, Johnston, Copeland, Miller, Mathers, Hopkins, His?y, Niddrie, Smith, Brison, Hisey, Stacey
Page 8: Stacey, Bradley, Taylor, Melville, Benille, Mills, Granger, Currie, Miller, McArthur, Carlton, Scarrow, M??ford; Service, Ager, Nesbitt, Do?er
Page 9: Doner, Houston, Turk, McAlister, Somerville, Kyle, S?anhouse; ??tch; Manning, Anderson, Anderson, McGill, Adams, J??done; Connelly
Page 10: Connelly, Madill, Bearchill, Lemon, Hinds, McKay, Turner, Maxwell, Grainger, Madill, Priston, Weatherup, McCrally, McCrimon, Brown
Page 11: Watson, Royal, Jen???, Taylor, Ch?rs; Orr; Brown, Pa?terson, Orr; Johnston, Montgomery, Pear?n, Woods, Matchett, Hammill, Rowe, Mackay, Hope, Maxwell, Jerdone, Jerdone, Miller
Page 12: Miller, Walker, Roach, Stanton, Hannah, Gallaway, Metcalfe, Metcalfe, Mackay, Veitch, Newton, Corbett, May, Christian, Rann
Page 13: Renn, Boyd, Ro???, Robinson, Lennord, Carlton, Groves, Lemon, Maxwell, Scott, McColly, Earle, Helmekey, McMullan, Bulmer, Boyd, Campbell, ?ieling; Hoey
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