York North, District 137, Newmarket, St. Patricks Ward 1911 census
Every Surname Index
1911 Census Transcriber: Noreen Sergovitch
York North, District 137, Newmarket, St. Patricks Ward Sub-district 32
Page 1
Arnold, Bain, Birch, Boyd, Dorgasolo, Doyle, Elvedge, Duncan, Herrington,
Kelley,Lundy, MacKenzie, Price, Racine, Russelle, Stork, Wright,
Page 2
Bain, Buck, Collins, Fierheller, Gregory, King, Mazer, McCarty, Potter,
Roadhouse, Robertson, Snider, Somerville, Stephens, Sykes, Wilson,
Page 3
Cain, Christian, Dixon, Doidge, Evans, Goldsmith, Guthrie, Hartford,
Kirbyson, Knight, Lovett, Ridduck, Roadhouse, Smith,
Page 4
Allan, Barber, Booth, Doidge, Fairey, Hallam, Haskett, Jones, Lea, Peterman,
Robinson, Shier, Sutton, Thomas, Thommpson, Tucker, Wilson,
Page 5
Benjamin, Cain, Fraser, Gould, Grabber, Heffner, Hickland, Hunt, McHale,
Roach, Robbins, Simonds, Trivett, West,
Page 6
Bell, Cocklin, Coyle, Ferrington, Germane, Groves, Herring, Holland,
McKinnon, Moffat, Nugent, Perrault, Porter, Rolling, Smith, Sullivan,
Thomas, Ward, Weston, Widdes,
Page 7
Bain, Balow, Cole, Denne, Francissy?, Hodgins, Kirby, McGle?, McNertey,
Mistar, Samson, West, William,
Page 8
Bacon, Burke, Call, Coyles, Fawsey, Graham, Grant, Kyte, Lovett, McCaffrey,
McCallum, McPherson, Morrison, Morscuy?, Ralph, Rolling, Thompson, Watson,
Page 9
Anderson, Brammer, Churchill, Churchhill, Draper, Dutches, Fairey, J--iett,
Johnson, Mannsey, Massey, Monkhouse, Nesbitt, Rotuledge, Scott, Smith,
Stewart, Trent, Wallace, Willson,
Page 10
Barker, Bogardis, Bowman, Burns, Cain, Cook, Draper, Gardner, Goring,
Hughes, Kirby, McKenzie, Rahmer, Reaman, Rogers, Sibley, Woodward, Wright,
Page 11
Allen?, Bishop, Brian, Delaney, Goring, Grely?, Holiday, Hopkins, Knowles,
Lee, Morris, Oldsworth?, Osborne, Page, Smith, Tate, Tingle, Vale, Whitney,
Page 12
Bonses?, Davis?, Denne, Hall, Henry, Hulse, Jewel, Jones, Leusby, Lundy,
McGee, Millin, Naylon, Niven, Simpson, Thomas, Turner, Verity, Webster,
Page 13
Alcock, Armitage, Bassington, Blackburn, Brown, Cook, Gibney, Lake, Martin,
Peppiat, Pryor, Rogers, Smatley, Smith, Traviss, Walsh,
Page 14
Badgerow, Belfrey, Boadwin, Broad, Brammer, Brown, Byart, Dunnny?, Eastwood,
Georning?, Gibney, Hartford, Mathewson, McMullend, Millard, Murphy, Stephen,
Thompson, Wood,
Page 15
Brammer, Brimson, Bryart, Fierheller, Hannah, Hardy, Lacy, Murphy, Parks,
Pennhaight, Phillips, Price, Richardson, Robinson, Sie?, Smith, Somervielle,
Page 16
Anderson, Boyd, Brimson, Davey, Doyle, Elvidge, Gibson, Graham, Happer,
Hodge, Manser, Meads, McCallum, Stark, Urquhart, Wally,
Page 17
Bayly, Brigham, Callas, Fierheller, McCordick, McCormack, Milligan, Morton,
Mowffus, Poch, Ralph, Sansom, Scrigley, Sibley, Smith, Stouffer, Verily,
Page 18
Adair, Biford, Day, Gasanogh?, Haight, Hewitt, Irwin, Keith, Lemon, Murphy,
Oliver, P--ison, Richison?, Robertson, Rose, Stinson, Thompson, Warner,
Weddel, Willson, Fisher,
Page 19
Brillinger, Brodie, Cockrell, Dick, Galbraith, Garbrigg, Hamilton, Hutt,
Johnson, Morton,P--ck-di-?, Pepperal?, Robson, Wilkinson,
Page 20
Anderson, Colby, Cole, Cross, Davis, Dawson, Dicks, Dooran, Fogg, Glaneg,
Haskett, Howard, Lepard, Noble, Simpkin,
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