1911 Ontario Census District 138 York South, Sub District 43, Toronto Ward 6 - Ward 2
Every Surname Index
1911 Census Transcriber: Linda Monkman
1911 Ontario Census District 138 York South, Sub District 43, Toronto Ward 6 - Ward 2
110 Pages
Transcriber: Linda Monkman
Page 1: Williams; Wright; Berry; Manchester; Phillips; Godfrey; Cain; Jay; Bell; B?; Chapman; Fitzpatrick
Page 2: Fitzpatrick; Clark; Weaver; Hall; Malone; Robinson; Joyce; Maton; Mitchell; Carter; Gillibrand; Kirkman; Edwards
Page 3: Stephens; Chambers; Hodgkinson; Stoker; Miller; Willingham; Cator; Ward; Cormack; North; Lome; Penwright; Tucker
Page 4: Tucker; Bragginton; Hutt; Struth; Bloxam; Smith; Harwood; Frankland; Powell; White; Walsh; Frankland; Woodliffe
Page 5: Woodliffe; Pullan; Pearce; Se?iski; Bateman; Murgatroyd; Griffiths; Ross; Drinkwater; Ames; Wells; Carter; Shaw; Cartwright
Page 6: Deviney; Russell; Johnson; Snodden; Newton; Wikeman; Herron; Anderson; McCarroll; Rose; Watts; Wright
Page 7: Dagb?; Davies; Ridgeway; Hans; Ridgeway; Foo?d; McCormack; Niddery; Fraser; Healey; Jarvis; Burrell; Wakelin
Page 8: Wakelin; Dixon; Tarsie; Bennett; Griffiths; Tait; Donaldson; Clarke; Carter; Dyer; Hutt
Page 9: Hutt; Roberts; Robinson; Atkinson; Knaggs; Keith; Hartley; Ward; McAfee; Smith; Tanfield; Manock
Page 10: Mannock; Vale; Maynard; Smith; Jones; Holloway; Spence; Berry; Morgan; Laird; Callahan; Brown; Topple; Brown; Carter; Smith; Boyce; Harron; Hawkins; Cole
Page 11: Cole; Atkins; Scott; Atkins; Madill; Forth; Hodgson; Fletcher; Green; Wynne; Spry; Hardy
Page 12: Beckley; Nash; Miller; King; Steer; Hutt; Parker; Bailey; Ashley; Mugford; Anderson; MacKenzie; Smellie; Hardman
Page 13: Powell; Hudson; Stewart; Bow; Gaetz; Mills; Brierley; Musgrave; Nelson; Murray; Drew; Eade
Page 14: Eade; Caton; Fo?kett; Harland; Foley; Carson; Jones; Boucher; Smart; Mann; Portwood; Haigh; McEwan; Duly; Woodman
Page 15: Rees; Brown; Hudson; Roylie; King; Newman; Connor; Wright; Murray; Kimber; Done; Hitchins; Reynolds; Burlington
Page 16: Burlington; Kemp; Grainger; Woods; Martin; Schof?d; Cole; Fordham; Smith; Spraggett; Burgess; Thompson; Banks; Lake; Wiseman; Luker; Flock
Page 17: Flock; Hawkins; Parfrey; Hampson; Bo?ham; Roberts; Hennison; Leoch; Aldred; Hale; McComb; Hinsley; Holder
Page 18: Holder; Hindle; Russell; Pilley; Le?t; Ford; Richards; Carrington; Wright; Rossiter
Page 19: Rossiter; Bishop; Barrett; Greenwell; Martin; Gurr; Nicholas; Gurr; Baisley; McConnell; Spenceley; B?itt; Ho?cey; Hails; Hooper; Currell; Maiden
Page 20: Maiden; Gilbey; Moore; Purcell; Gould; Stuart; Everett; Iliff; Wilson; Kentworth; Harwood; Brazier; Hill; Hames; Smith; Wright; Willis; Davis; Slater; Bonham; Budge
Page 21: Budge; Peters; Searle; Smith; Whitely; Andrew; Perkins; Bird; Forman; Bird; Bashford; King; Winterburn; Norton; Pearn
Page 22: Pearn; ;Newman; Hartle; Cooper; Payne; Perrin; Wh?tley; Roland; Fitton; Galloway; Waters; Duce; Wills; Watson; Jones; Askew; Foster; Palmer
Page 23: Palmer; O'Connor; Joyce; Davis; Adams; Baker; Thomas; Small; Birch; Shier; Griffin; Poddle; Monk
Page 24: Monk; Watson; Bond; Epson; Jones; Stanley; Davis; McClea?; Owens; Loach; Shand
Page 25: Smith; MacDonald; R?le; Barron; Crawford; Sleeth; Williams; Harland; Girvan; Hatton; Allan; Down; Whitehead; Berry; Preece
Page 26: Preece; Egan; Sanders; Price; Mason; Drummond; Groves; G?tham; Ro?; Howell; Hickling; Daglish; Musgrave
Page 27: Musgrave; Jeffrey; Lennox; Hearn; Daines; Spencer; Do?; Porter; Williamson; Adam; Anderson; McMartin
Page 28: McMartin; ?ey; Darbyshire; Ball; Bolton; Nelmes; allen; Maw; Wilmsh?t; Mallon; Cassidy; Foy; Soulsby; Lancaster; Morris
Page 29: Morris; Priestly; Hann; Watson; Lawrenson; spring; Miller; McKean; Fowler; Mitchell; King; Morgan; Dallas; Wilson; Fronde
Page 30: Fronde; Taylor; Potter; Cloute; Cooper; Smither; Snashall; Wells; Elwell; Garner; Chuck; Smith; Jerrom; Cardy
Page 31: Tompson; Oldfield; Tinkler; Clarke; Arnott; Wilson; Ketteringham; Lyon; Walshe; McCaul; Beckett
Page 32: Beckett; Mottram; Reid; Richardson; Bower; Leinen s; Goode; Andrews; Lewis; Fry; Butler
Page 33: Butler; Hands; Hicks; Riley; Cooper; Hallam; Day; Luxton; Brookes; Briggs; Tomkins; McGill; White; Hall
Page 34: McBride; Orton; Wild; Partridge; Goddard; Partridge; Goddard; Partridge; Goddard; Little; Deimahower; Dale; Hall; Canning; Fisher; Sanderson; Jones; Britton; Small
Page 35: Hall; Cochrane; Small; Anderson; McNeilly; Butterworth; Russell; Leader; Templeton; Love; Thompson
Page 36: Thompson; Oram; Rey; Lowe; Davis; Lowe; Weatherall; Parks; Squires; Chiddenton; James; Whiteley; Burroughs; Whitehead; Hewitt; Cull; Howell
Page 37: O'Brien; Evans; Spraggett; Cutler; Holmes; Eldridge; Wh?tely; Etherton; Holgate; Chiddenton; Matthews; Royle; Woodhouse; Childs; Wray; Fox
Page 38: Fox; Packer; Prang; Bishop; Browning; Phillips; Carter; Javan; Hunt; Harcourt; Barnett; Gibson; Aslett; Evans; Sapinic
Page 39: Sapinic; Rosetaki; Craig; Payne; Skelton; Rice; T?achenko; Stone; Scott; Smoodin; Lipkin
Page 40: Lipkin; Joyce; Humphrey; Adamek; Jonk; Bairstow; Birch; Sto?ton; Collins; Rogers; Miles; Dooley
Page 41: Dooley; Arthur; Soboloff; Etkin; Ga?lik; Minowitch; Volley; Downing; ?; cochrane; Currell; Marks; Oldridge
Page 42: Oldridge; Wren; Wines; Shore; Monell; Greer; Walker; Smith; Wiseman; Houldsworth; Day; Hardy; Shaw
Page 43: Shaw; Sheldon; Moir; York; Tulloch; Tweedale; Morden; Saunders; Newbury; Ffoulker; Hess; Fronde; Strong; Maybury; Foster; Messenger; Dixon; Thurston; Tweedale; Morden; Saunders; Senn?; Bruce; Nelson; Dixon; Thurston; Newbury; Ffoulker; Hess; Fronde; Strong; Foster; Brooker; Marshman
Page 44: Olive; Matheson; Wood; Lockroft; Mellin;
Wood; Le?; Wood; Rudderham; E?mott; Simmons; Rudwick; Thomson; sinclair; McKinnon; Henthorn; Harford; Winch
Page 45: Aldridge; H?ston; Ransberry; Patterson; King; McDowell; Cudney; Hurrell; McFarlane; Clark; Anderson; Arnott
Page 46: Arnott; Taberner; Pierson; Steadman; Peasley; McIntosh; Esplin; Turner; Stoney; Nelson; Carson; McEwen; Dillon; Bird
Page 47: Bird; Leach; Aylward; Cordery; Williamson; Frampton; Ross; Cameron; Monk; Currie; Harper; Middleton; Ball; Robinson
Page 48: Robinson; Maynard; Litofaki; Ignotovick; Binds; Logie; Hill; Laithwaite; Roby; Barton; Mounsey; Styles; Bailey; Blaze; Standish; smith; Farr
Page 49: Davey; Driscoll; Bruce; Lapp; Urwin; Gale; Alexander; Colby; Robertson; Wood; Silvermann; Pa?ick; Sa?ski; Paget;
Page 50: Paget; Hughes; Butler; Fin?; Sproul; Delal?de; Fergus; Bobnickin; Holobiski; Ignatorich; Roga; Sal?ski; Holobeski; Bell; Craig; turner; Dover; Dentley; Goodell
Page 51: Goodell; Hodgins; C?nforth; Powell; Pidgeon; Martin; Rimand; Courtney; Thomson; McTaggart; Brown; Pe?t; Harrington
Page 52: Russell; Harmer; Bailey; Paul; Cairnes; Semper; Stinton; Richards; S?; MacDonald
Page 53: MacDonald; Burling; May; Gibson; Hall; Beale; Allan; Raymond; ?igg; Jones; Shepherd; Johnstone; Roberts
Page 54: Morrison; Martin; May; Dalton; Thomson; Bairstow; Penkival; Morten; Gough; Ponsfoid; Phyllis; Percival Dickenson; Smithurst; McNaughton; Hickson
Page 55: Hickson; Holden; Haywood; Brown; Pechenham; Doug?; McCallum; O'Neill; Carpenter; Ripley; Bates
Page 56: Bates; Bamford; Matthews; Burge; Wall; Groves; Stone; Holden; Barclay; Rickman; Hill; Harvey; James; Cooper
Page 57: Gillespie; Easlor; Sherbert; Worsley; Connolly; Thompson; Reed; Miller; Johnston; Chapman; Eccles
Page 58: Dayes; Cornish; Osborn; James; Ch?ns; Stephenson; Troyer; Tisdale; Stallin; Knights; Welden; Bramall; Sier; Smith; Griffiths; Robinson; Bowles
Page 59: Bowles; Haslam; Kirk; Thorne; Farmer; ?; Sinnett; Abbott; Redfern; Bennett; Mason; Haworth; Thompson; Haggett; Black
Page 60: Black; Green; Hitchman; Richardson; Mercer; Edwards; Wood; Will?; Steward; Moir; Richardson; Kisse; Richardson; Tomlinson; Hacking; Munslow; Richardson; Menary
Page 61: Drury; Haslam; Vanderburg; Maxted; Tarne; Bottom; Auston; Moore; Harman; Beckley; Hayball; Saunders; Murgatroyd; Yule
Page 62: Yule; Rowley; Large; Irwin; Laflin; Hasty; Bassett; Lewis; Lancaster; Beardwood; Carter; Blackman; Carter; Comfort; Parris; Bennett
Page 63: Sutton; Carman; Ough; Stroud; Hunt; Rogers; Horne; Blackwell; Hunter; Peck; Wase; Ezard; Johnston; Heaton; Collins; Cooper; Newbery
Page 64: Barkey; Hackett; Collar; Watson; Sandwell; Young; Mould; Foote; Pilling; Pilkington; Taylor; McLean; Reagin; Casey
Page 65: Casey; Hay; Collins; Eves; Grundy; Bateman; Jenkins; Gray; Downing; Horrell; Goss; Albin; Packer; White; Werden; Smith; Single; Parris
Page 66: Parris; Sedgwick; Vince; Simmons; McClelland; Knight; James; Slater; Clark; Chiddenton; Cowan; Gillespie
Page 67: Gillespie; Newham; McNamara; Newham; Garner; Grindley; Hockly; Garney; Berry; Collier; Muir; Easton; Gibson; Blackman; Scott; Culver
Page 68: Culver; Jenkins; Walters; Henly; Harrison; Wilgus; Burton; Evenden; Cook; Golden; Blair; Smith; Wenham; Dale; Wenham; Anderson
Page 69: Anderson; McLaughlin; Benham; Clark; Duncan; Bowen; Smith; Wilde; Storey; Vinnicombe; Harris; Martin; Horton; Taylor; Lord; Cregam
Page 70: Griffin; Hacking; Marsden; Atkinson; Ellison; Watson; ?night; Hardwick; Ping?ff; Atkin; Wickham; Jones; Gambrell; Merrett; Parker
Page 71: Neisk; McFee; Britten; Farwell; Ricketts; Pellington; Potter; Durham; Barnes; Lumb?; Lee; Nelson; Massey; Hanforth; Higgins; Templeman; Hall; Mason
Page 72: Rutland; Harrington; Thompson; Blakeman; C?ttenden; Fleet; Delgrande; Tambarro; Lalla; Pucci; Lalla; P?; Lalla; Cornnacchin; Badgery; McHale; Lake; May
Page 73: May; Sawford; Saunders; Fiddament; McKeown; McMillan; Rider; Greber; Webber; Askew; Daft; Ameson; Elmes; Day; Morris; Garland; Reeks
Page 74: Reeks; Hughes; Craig; Williams; Johnston; Wanger; Clark; Quinnie; Ashton; D?dwood; Sla?; Paterson; Winder; Britten; Manson; Martin
Page 75: Desant?; Royce; Castledge; Ro?rt
Page 76: Rolph; Haney; Sheridan; Lewis; Pellatt; Carson; McColl; Idstrum; Heintzman; Person; Williams; Jackes; Carson; Dunbar; Marks; Bottrell; Tattle; Fleming; O'Brien
Page 77: Seaman; Lauder; Bradshaw; Shepard; Hills; Clarke; Swift; Stuart; Pettet; Trent; Jo?s; McRae; Loney; Parsons; Clarke
Page 78: Himmelman; Jones; Baker; Gibb; Smith; Robertson; Slater; Love; Messett; Williams; Butler; Dakin; Grace; Moulds; Burrows; Williams
Page 79: Williams; Manly; Elphick; Brownlow; Robinson; Barber; Little; Rae; Bower; Hamsworth; Srigley; McCann; Culliton; Kettle; Zeller; Duff;
Page 80: McIntosh; Coles; Coates; Blackstock; Anderson; Lowrey; Watson; Goodall; Green; White; Dawson; Gibson; Francis; Murray; Latham
Page 81: Latham; Branswood; Whitehouse; Mew; King; Lawson; Michell; McLaughlin; Walker; Bromley; Sta?ton; Phillips; Scarborough; Wadlow; Spring; Lolie; Dun?water; Jackson
Page 82: Jackson; Switzer; Dunn; McQuillam; Taylor; Brown; Lewis; Forester; McCann; Thomson; spears; Addison; Potter; Dean; Travis; McKay
Page 83: Osborne; McKay; Mollen; Powley; Sharpe; Haskett; Giles; Ross; H?ken; Ree?e; G?scott; Crocker; Percy; Aikens; Wildman
Page 84: Wildman; Hayward; Holt; Crown; Mott; Pro?ting; Hunter; Lee; Jung; Donnally; Rockford; Cunningham; Cluley; Sutherland; Fox; Fulton; Gay; Williams
Page 85: Williams; Hall; Davidson; Greenberg; Smith; McCormick; Bace; Rogers; ?nes; Porter; Luxton; Smith; Duff; Brolin; Allom; B?thon; Moyes; Jennings
Page 86: Adams; Allanson; Hardie; Martin; Field; Jennings; McCann; Lewell; Leigh; Pickering; Wright; Good; Flick; Lawless; Wainwright; Pickering; Coyle
Page 87: Britton; Downey; Blakeman; Lee; Wodehouse; Neville; Rogers; Hunt; Roberts; Rogers; Brown; Cannon; Severs; Granger; May
Page 88: Law; Moir; St?t?bury; Minouge; Hare; Allison; Cameron; Brown; Mowatt; Browning; Fair; Semple; Roach; McGinnis; Reid; Roach
Page 89: Reid; McGinnes; Reid; Denns; Reid; Fergus; Marshall; Quail; Lawrence; Downs; Riddell; Bacon; Gurr
Page 90: Gurr; Swan; Jackson; Hughes; Turner; Hughes; Pike; Turner; McKean; Watson; Boughtflower; Ayland; Hills; Chapman; Elton; Wilson; Magavers
Page 91: Venokio; Provengo; Ferris; Weeden; Morris; Onofus; Green; Moth; Osterdahl; Leggatt; Lockhart; Lanci; Cuatrociocchi
Page 92: Cuatrociocchi; Devecchio; Mast?la; D'onafeio; Grancola; Monoco; Froie; Bamgini; Libratore; Morell; Acubo; Da?mo; Dono; Br?nco; Lemon; Carter; Hubbard; Armstrong; Doolan; Martells; Hopkins; Spear; Johnson
Page 93: Plummer; Sterck; Rolston; Grumble; Chess?; Teagle; Rida?; Teagle; Gould; Recchia; Donatier; Recchia; Conboy; Morris; Nightingale
Page 94: Nightingale; Tremble; Thornley; Renzeth; Paivin; Plummer; Hudson; Sheward; Tindale; Butt
Page 95: Butt; Cameron; Brown; Warner; Baker; Burgess; Crosbie; Miller; Looney; Farrell; Boothe
Page 96: Boothe; Doig; Durnom; Gillen; Pring; Allum; Ovens; Kirkey; Palin; Stott; Perry; Elgie; Appello; Frasca
Page 97: Frasca; Crapper; Turnbull; Vanwyck; Brookes; Gomm; Anderson; Cox; Seden; Kelley; Frasca; Webb
Page 98: Webb; Lyons; Hislop; Sherry; Stuart; Connor; Blamey; Evans; Jones; Pickering; O'Nells; Hurd
Page 99: Hurd; Cooper; Kehoe; Lap?in; Griffiths; Rossi; Rigioli; Felix; Donise; Pinocali; Edemi; Smith; Holtby; Esson; Calder; Howe; Anderson; Reed; Forster
Page 100: Forster; Gorton; Parsons; Renzetti; Romanell; Camplo; Ambrusco; Phillips; Ke?my; Valentine; Fitzpatrick; Smith; Stannought
Page 101: Stannought; Hannah; Giles; Babbage; Churchward; Caroline; Mills; Marchant; Mills; Martin; Taylor; Pinkham; Thomson; Faveo; Stewart; Colon; O'Neill; McAughey
Page 102: Perri; Lazzara; Simplice; Lazzara; Wager; Dixon; Hodgson; Ross; Laruse; Lorenzi; Bartolocci
Page 103: Bartolocci; Picc?li; Delma?; Ma?nella; Cousins; Flan?o; Premovare; Fibbo; Corleno; Valli?; Doragio; Masino; Pinch; Blake; Pagl?o; Peter; Ma?otullio; Peter; DiRusso
Page 104: Rico; Wilkins; Monaco; Maittai; Dodato; Monaco; B?tell?ano; Gentl?; Lee; Devantes; Dejov?; Mancenell; Leongitivo; Petraccio; Couado; Selvaggi; Dez?o
Page 105: Serapini; Mallock; Blyth; Brown; Bartlett; Morell; Valien; Vecchio; Scales; McClutch?; Rushbrook; Drysdale; Dixon; Adams
Page 106: Adams; Beany; Houghton; Dixon; West; Pacchino; Aimola; Santi?; Cha?ll; Armola; So?; Mamm; C?i; Andrews; Orsen; Lumley; Armstrong; F/ori; Cha?b; Pacella; Scarlapom; Dorrat?o; Romanella; D?in; Crawford; Eid?; Jicci
Page 107: Jicci; Sal Ca?; DeCarlo; Perin; Griffon; Boyd; Anderson; Porter; Stephenson; Hodge; Higgins; Anderson; Bell
Page 108: Bell; McNee; Ritchie; Armstrong; White; Taylor; Deith; Alliston; Ford; Busato; Palmer; Brookes; Colombo; Hall; Montgomery; O'Connor; Hobbs
Page 109: Hobbs; Switzer; Meades; Griffiths; Brown; Andrews; DeMaveo; Lecondeo; Go?acci; Gnov?ia; Branco; Parmigiani; Yalfo; DeCarl; Visc; Demator; Sims; Martin; Murphy; DePict?; Castellane; Weir; Guizzo; P?; Barrett
Page 110: Hogue
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