Prince Edward Island..Enumeration District District 1 Township
20 and 21
Every Surname Index
1911 Census Transcriber: Rita Offer
Prince Edward Island Enumeration District 1 Township 20 and 21
This area covers Found's Mills, Clifton, Campbellton, New London,
Grahams Road, Margate, Clinton, Stanley and that
order. 15 pages
1. Coiley, Sannaghan, McKay, Burgoyne, Cole, McKay, McEwen, Reid,
Burkle, McEwen, McEwen, McKay
2. McKie, Gashany, McKay, smith, Jardine, McDowell, Hanifin, McAuley,
3. Buote, McEwen, McEwen, Peter, Paynter, Warren, Murphy, McKay,
Murphy, Somers, McKay, McKay, Goss, Campbell, Athens, McGregor,
4. Found, McKay, Smera, McSellar, Somers, Carr, Somers, Currie,
Pickering, Currie, Dunning, McGregor, Brown, McGregor, Williams,
Toombs, McKay, McKay, Bernard, Murray
5. Murray, McKinnon, McLead[?], Campbell, Campbell, McKay, Breson,
6. McKay; McGregor; McLeod; Campbell; Buntain; Cotton; Riley; McKay;
7. Whitehead; Somers; Graham; Somers; Marks; Woodside; Cole; Pickering;
8. Pickering; Smith; Harding; Somers; Cook; Paynter; Durant; Thompson;
9. Thompson; Henderson; Dunning; Wigmore; McKay; Harding; Ferguson;
10. Robinson; Kash; White; Cook; Murray; McKenzie, Gunn; Cole:
McKay; Lockhart;
11. Montgomery; McKay; Williams; Mayhew; Whitehead; Harding; McKinnon;
12. McLean; Somers; Woodside; Dunning; Cameron; Frizzle; Woodside;
Lawless; Warren
13. Woodisde(5 families; Heaney; O'Connor; McKay; Taylor; Coiley;
14. Silliphant; White; Whitehead(3 families); Dennis; Sullivan;
Harringotn; Watts;
15. Humphrey; Harrington; White; Harding; Connick; Harding; Hughes;
Frizzle; Lawless
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