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With thanks to Hugh Armstrong, who gathered the information as to what questions were asked on every Canadian census. Hugh's website was an invaluable resource, but Hugh, and his site are long gone from the Internet. So that Hugh's hard work would not be lost, I saved the pages and placed them online on Enjoy! And remember to silently thank Hugh for his hard work.


These stats are from 'Censuses of Canada, 1665 to 1871, vol. IV; published in Ottawa, 1876 by I.B. Taylor.
        1. Table I - Families, Population, Sexes, Conjugal Condition.
        2. Table II - Ages of the People
        3. Table III - Ages in Relation to Conjugal Condition.
        4. Table IV - Professions and Trades


This census was taken during the months of February and March, 1666, as ascertained by the examination of Parochial Registers. This nominal Census is in 154 pages of manuscript is deposited in the Archives of Paris, and there is a copy in the Parliamentary Library in Ottawa. The repetition of 21 names, forming five families, has been corrected in the present tables, reducing the number of the population from 3236 to 3215. The Royal troops, consisting of from 1000 to 1200 men, in 24 companies, are not included in the Census. It has been ascertained that the names of thirty ecclesiastics and nuns are wanting, namely four secular ecclesiastics at Quebec; five at Montreal; ten nuns at Montreal and eleven Jesuits employed in the Indian missions. The whole of the clergy comprised one Bishop, eighteen Priests and ecclesiastics, thirty-one Jesuit priests and brethren. There were eighteen Ursuline nuns, twenty-three nuns of the Hospitaller order and four Filles Pieuses of the clergy. The clergy, nobility, public fumctionaries and farmers are not indicated in the Census of Professions and Trades. There had been a somewhat considerable immigration, composed of nobility, farmers and artisans. It also comprised fifty young women, well trained and educated, from an orphanage in Paris.

Table I - Families, Population, Sexes, Conjugal Condition.

    Localities    Fami-  Popu-    Sexes     Married       Widowed    Child. & Unmarred
                  lies   lation  M    F    M   F Total   M  F Total  M    F   Total

Québec               71   547    360  187  65  53  118   1  9  10    294  125  419
Beaupré              89   533    315  218  84  83  167   2  4   6    229  131  360
Beauport             29   185    117   68  28  28   56   2  2   4     87   38  125
Isle d'Orléans       96   452    291  161  93  84  177   2  -   2    196   77  273
Côte St. Jean
Côte St. François    27   153     99   54  24  26   50   1  2   3     74   26  100     
Côte St. Michel   
Sillery              23   140     93   47  23  21   44   2  -   2     68   26   94
Notre-Dame des Anges 
Riviere St. Charles  24   112     67   45  28  24   52   -  -   -     39   21   60
Lauzon                3    13      9    4   3   3    6   -  -   -      6    1    7
Trois-Rivières et 
          ses. Env.  69   455    299  156  75  64  139   2  5   7    222   87  309
Montréal et ses. 
           Environs 107   625    384  241 105 105  210   1  7   8    278  129  407
                    ---  ----   ---- ---- --- --- ----  -- --  --   ----  --- ---- 
    Total           538  3215   2034 1181 528 491 1019  13 29  42   1493  661 2154

Table II - Ages of the People

                                                        N.D. des
                                  Isle  St. Jean,       Anges St.
                  Qué- Beau Beau- d'Or- St. Fran., Sill St. Char., Lau- Trois Mont-
          Ages    bec  -pré port  léans St. Mich.  -ery Charlesb.  zon   Riv. réal  Total
 0 -  1    21   23    7    28       6        6      6        1    27   38    163
 1 -  2    17   36    6    35       7        9      4        -    20   43    177
 2 -  3     9   28    8    21       4        5      2        -    13   31    121
 3 -  4    10   19    4    16       5        4      3        1    20   32    114
 4 -  5    10   14    4    11       3        3      3        -    10   32     90
 5 -  6    12   20    6     7       5        6      2        1    13   19     91
 6 -  7    11   17    7    14       3        3      1        -    11   13     80
 7 -  8    15   17    6    12       3        8      3        1    10    6     81
 8 -  9     9    8    5     7       4        3      1        -    10   20     67
 9 - 10     5   15    8     6       4        2      3        -     7    9     59
11 - 15    44   44   21    12      10       12      4        1    34   27    209
16 - 20    32   37   16    27      15       13      6        -    46   26    218
21 - 30   136  112   41   165      47       29     42        2   101  167    842
31 - 40    74   78   16    60      14       20     17        2    82   98    461
41 - 50    31   38   12    22       9       13     11        4    29   42    211
51 - 60    24   17    8     4       5        3      4        -    13   17     95
61 - 70     8    7    6     4       3        1      -        -     6    3     43
71 - 80     -    3    2     -       1        -      -        -     2    2     10
81 - 90     1    -    2     -       -        -      -        -     1    -      4
over 90     -    -    -     -       -        -      -        -     -    -      -
not given  78    -    -     1       -        -      -        -     -    -     79
          ---  ---  ---   ---     ---      ---    ---       --   ---  ---   ----
 Total    547  533  185   452     153      140    112       13   455  625   3215

Table III - Ages in Relation to Conjugal Condition.

    Ages    Married         Widowed       Child. &  Unmarried   Totals
            M   F   Total   M   F  Total   M      F     Total 
 0 - 10      -    -     -    -   -    -   546    497     1043    1043
11 - 15      -    8     8    -   -    -   110     91      201     209
16 - 20      -   45    45    -   -    -   153     20      173     218
21 - 30    120  239   359    3   3    6   455     22      477     842
31 - 40    225  113   338    -   9    9   111      3      114     461
41 - 50    117   54   171    5   2    7    30      3       33     211
51 - 60     45   19    64    1   8    9    16      6       22      95
61 - 70     14   12    26    2   5    7     8      2       10      43
71 - 80      5    1     6    1   2    3     1      -        1      10
81 - 90      2    -     2    1   -    1     1      -        1       4
91 -100      -    -     -    -   -    -     -      -        -       -
over 100     -    -     -    -   -    -     -      -        -       - 
not given    -    -     -    -   -    -    62     17       79      79
           ---  ---  ----   --  --   --  ----    ---     ----    ----
 Total     528  491  1019   13  29   42  1493    661     2154    3215 

Table IV - Professions and Trades

                           Qué-  Cotes  & Côtes  Trois   Mont-    
Professions and Trades     bec    nord    sud     Riv.   réal   Total
Armourers                    2      -       2       -       -      4
Gunsmiths                    2      -       -       2       3      7
Gentlemen of Means          15      1       -       -       -     16
Bakers                       1      3       4       -       3     11
Butchers                     -      3       2       -       2      7
Button Makers                -      1       -       -       -      1
Brewers                      1      -       -       -       -      1
Brick Makers                 -      1       -       -       -      1
Hatters                      -      4       1       -       2      7
Wheelwrights                 -      2       -       -       -      2
Surgeons                     2      2       -       -       1      5
Carpenters                   3     21       4       1       7     36
Charcoal Burners             -      1       -       -       -      1
Braziers                     -      2       -       -       -      3
Chandlers                    1      2       -       -       -      3
Rope Makers                  1      3       1       -       1      6
Shoe Makers                  6      7       3       -       4     20
Curriers                     -      1       4       -       3      8
Nailers                      3      -       1       -       -      4
Cutler                       -      1       -       -       -      1
Slater or roofer             -      1       -       -       -      1
Drapers                      -      1       3       -       -      4
Servants                    93    115      47      72      74    401
Tinsmith                     1      -       -       -       -      1
Foundryman                   1      -       -       -       -      1
Swors Grinder                1      -       -       -       -      1
Bailiffs                     3      1       -       -       -      4
Printers                     -      -       1       -       -      1
Teachers                     2      -       -       1       -      3
Gardeners                    2      1       -       -       -      3
Masons                       7     12       5       -       8     32
Ship Captains                1      -       -       -       -      1
Merchants                   13      1       -       1       3     18
Joiners                      9      8       3       2       5     27
Millers                      -      5       2       1       1      9
Sailors                      4      9       6       -       3     22
Notaries                     2      1       -       -       -      3
Jewellers                    -      -       1       -       -      1
Confectioners                3      1       -       -       1      5
Furrier                      1      -       -       -       -      1
Wooden Shoe Maker            -      1       -       -       -      1
Stone Cutter                 1      -       -       -       -      1
Saddlers                     -      1       1       -       1      3
Locksmiths                   -      1       -       1       1      3
Edge Tool Makers             8      1       2       1       2     14
Tailors                      8      9       4       2       7     30
Carpet Weavers               -      2       1       -       -      3
Weavers                      1     11       3       -       1     16
Coopers                      4      1       -       1       2      8
Turners                      -      -       -       -       1      1
                           ---    ---     ---      --     ---    ---
   Total                   202    238     101      85     137    763

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