1911 Census Transcriber: Helen Huffman
1911 Ontario Census - Durham, Cavan, Dist. 64, Sub.dist. 8
Page #1
Armstrong,Smith, Richardson,Shafts,White,Lang,Sutton,Long,Angus,Byers,Stewart,Roddy,Waltons,
Bothwell, Peers, Robertson, Redford, Walters, Reddy,
Page #2
Roddy,Winston, Davies,Hutchinson,Lusk, Armstrong,Lewers, Williamson, Best, Dawson,Stepheson,
Seaton,Milligan, Muspritt, Russell,Lane, Byers.
Page #3
Byers, Wigger, Eldon,Fisher. Smith,Prout,Lang, Watts,Clark, Findley,Fallis, Hunter, Lynn,Poreous, Fallis, Larmor,LaKins,Tellis,Moore,Hunter, Hunter,
Page #4
Hunter, Wriggs,Wall, Waller, Rose,Saunderss, White, Loyd, Kydd, Foste,Carl, Fisher,McQuorrey,
Tobin, Irvine,Pue,
Page #5
Pue, Houston, Smyth, Nottingham,Smyth, Phillps, Clark,Campbell, Elliott, McMahon, McKnight,
Ssutton, Whitfield, Hunter, Belch, Brownse, Gott, Hutchinson, Cassidy, McKnight, Sparga,
Page #6
Stanton, Winterbottom Craig,Vaugner,Lamdon,Gardier,Sutton, McNeal, Powers,Hatherly, Frances,
McNeal, Fair, McGill, Clarry, McTaggart, Fisher, Thompson,Carr,
Page #7
Carr, Culley, Newton,Hutchinson,Fee, Rea,Hutchinson,Raper, Williamson,Todd, Hunter,Matchet,
McLaren, Kegan, Thacker,Tinney,
Page #8
Tinney,Perrin,Lugfield, Ballantyne,Morton,Pudsey,Thompson, Gillis, Smith,Shoulders,Howard,
Gillespie, Bigelow
Page #9
Adam, Ritson,Rine, Davis,Fowler, Byers,Bebbington, Gilmore, Forseythe, Kegson, Waatson, Syer,Williamson, Armstrong, Davis, Crossin, Sutton, Orser,Douglas, Foster, Geeorge,
Page #10
Geeorge, Fallis,Collier,Ball, Mitchell,Fallis, Nelson, Stark,Staples, Soden, Johnston, Moore, Bolster, Moore, Bolster,Matchett,
Calbeck, McLaren,
pagee #11
Mclaren,McKnight,Northey, Kelly, Milligan,Taaylor, Daves,Farrer,
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