Grey County Collingwood - Clarksburg Village, Heathcote Village 1911 census
Every Surname Index
Grey East, Collingwood - Clarksburg Village, Heathcote Village - Completion of Collingwood Township - District 72, Subdistrict 8
1911 Census Transcriber: Joan Rawn
Pg. 1: Wright, McGregor, Johnston, Gillespie, Shaw, B--ll(?), Hawton, Payne, Smith, R-ke-(?)
Pg. 2: Barclay(?), --dde-(?), Patterson, Harris, Shore, Smith, Turner, Rentner, Irvin(?), Coll--(?), Brown, Atkins, Rendall(?), Si------(?)
Pg. 3: Si------(?), Brown, Shearer, McGee, Sheridan, Cook, Heslip, Fenwick(?), Bellerby, Fleming(?), ---(?), Wilson(?)
Pg. 4: Wilson(?), Rendall, Boyton(?), McMurchy, Fr---(?), Parkinson, Clement, Irwin, Baker, Wallace, Sa------(?), Leggett, Wright, --------(?), McMurchy
Pg. 5: McMurchy, Gould, McDonald, Steel, Idle, Anderson, McMullen, McEachern, Waters, King, Gillespie, Jimpson(?), Mathew, Wright, Smith, Packwood, Goodfellow, Nicholson, Hall--(?), Dickinson, Cripps
Pg. 6: Cripps, Galbraith, Pinch(?), Alexander, Meggs, Heslip, Penrose, Marsh, Perry, Dillon, Boyle, Lawrence, Hamilton, Dinsmore(?)
Pg. 7: Spaul(?), Corbott(?), Maritt(?), McNichol, Boyd, Fawcett, Cruickshank, Campbell, Jerrett, Lougheed, Croft, Allen, Shane(?), Skippen
Pg. 8: Skippen, Shaw, White, Moscrop, Seymour, Lougheed, Walker, Todd, Goldsmith(?), Goldenutt(?)
Pg. 9: Goldenutt(?), Fawcett, Davidson, Haggard(?), May, Wheeler, Wright, Mahoney(?), Carefoot, Carmichael, McConnell, Lawrence
Pg. 10: Haggard, Mitchell, McNichol, Bell, Clendenon(Anderson?), Knoll, Turner, Ruthvan, Guy, Ward, Camplin(?), Kramer(?), Matheson, Packwood, Ball(Bell?), Wilson
Pg. 11: Hutchinson, Julin, Ferguson, Bar--(?), Tucker, Dinsmore(?), Cook, Knott, Thompson, Allen(Altire?), Lake
Pg. 12: Cook, Tackaberry, McKinley, Bell(?), Graut(?), Burnette, Logan, Wilson, Anderson, Mackay, Dinsmore
Pg. 13: Dinsmore, Wood(Hood?), Renfew, Parker, Ayre(?), Herman(?), Nixon, McGuire, Braniff, Ferguson, Cook(?), C--p---(?)
Pg. 14: C--p---(?), Robinson, Mahoney, Reid, Rorke(Parks?), Saul, Pearson(?), Irwin, Blackwell, Parke(Parks?,Rorke?), Skippen, Idle, Allcock, Rorke
Pg. 15: White, Rorke, Fl---(?), Swannell, Milne, Armstrong, Conn, Bradbery, L----(?), Devine(Devins?), Boo--(?), Ellia, Dale, Flemming, Reekie(?), McCullough, Cruickshank, Bovase(?)
Pg. 16: Bovase(?), Smith, Reekie, Orr, Dale, Milin(?), Saul, Davidson, Johns, McKee, Freeborn(?), Irwin, Gardiner, -amples(?), Armstrong, Hutchinson, Mos---(?)
Pg. 17: Eaton(?), Hutchinson, Baker, Green, Isaac, Gekill(?), Feigehen, McClusky, Lougheed, Carscadden, Abercromby(?), Smith
Pg. 18: Rutherford, Sharp, Beatton, Jackson, Hall, Brown, McLeod, Warner(?), Reekie, Ward, Lee, Harding, Wheeler, Haggard, Lougheed, Goldsmith, Kirby
Pg. 19: Kirby, Idle, Johnston, Baily, Lougheed, Knoll, Niblock(?), Fawcett, Wyant, G----(?), More, Neib(?), Heslip
Pg. 20: Heslip, Rodgers, White, Lewis, -------(?), Johnston, McTaggart, Lougheed, Tyson, Person(?), May, Marsh(?), Evans(?), Rosvil(?), Newbury, Dinsmore, Sullivan, Shields, Walker, Haines, Sh---(?)
Pg. 21: Sh---(?), Heslip, Hartman, May, Keast, Knibble, Ferguson, Forster, Kinley, Roy(Hoy?), Wright, Earl, Layton
Pg. 22: Hedley(Ridley?), Johnston, Sparling, Brooks, Mitchell, Lougheed, M----(?), Bates, Scott, Lake, Fawcett, Welland(Williams?), Clark, Miller, Drake
Pg. 23: McKay, Elliott, Wright, White, Rear, Wallace, --------ton(?), Ward, Goldsmith, Ottewell, McMurchy, Miller, Agnew
Pg. 24: Agnew, Ritchie, Martin, Andrew, Brown(?), Kelly, Bark, Brown, Peters(Peterson?), Johnston, Ferguson, Foster, Wheeler, Pratt(?), Brooks, ---(?), Irwin, Robinson, Veitch(?)
Pg. 25: Veitch(?), Walker, Hutchinson, Crossland, Bell, Moore, ---------(?), Loucks, Moore, Brown, Beatson(?), Steel, Ingram(?), Goff
Pg. 26: Goff, Mills, Heslip, Mc---ttie(?), Jenkins(?), Clow(?), Tait
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