Grey County Markdale 1911 census
Every Surname Index
Grey East, Markdale - District 72, Subdistrict 27
1911 Census Transcriber: Joan Rawn
Pg. 1: Henry(?), McCulla(?), Snell, Roche(?), Muxlow(?), Pickell(?), Bowes(?), Milson, Sturgeon, Reed, Young, McMillan, Huntley(?), Thomas, Camp
Pg. 2: Kleist, Baby(Balof(?), Tonof(?), Cristof(?), Ther--(?), Gsoegr(?), Evdon(?), Stiran(?), Gench(?), Julef(?), Bros(?), Zrno(?), Eloph(?), Kicnell(?), Gotgell(?), Pichott(?), Joornett(?), Wolchott(?), Baby(Balef?), Vendo(Vencho?), Nolor(?), Permorhort(?), Nimopot(?), Ceasar, Ricketts, Arnold, Waterson, Stoddart
Pg. 3: Stoddart, Maidmont(?), Levi, Foster, Richie, Burnett, Armstrong, Neely, Wilson, Hall, Hollingshead, -olin(?), Conoly(?), Akin, Koury, Nassar(?), Irwin(?)
Pg. 4: Irwin, Bowes, Hutchison, Murdock, Peddler, White, Towill(Fowill?), Bone, Freeborn(?), Lyons, House, Rickets, Murdock, Cox, Galbreth(?), Wyvill(Coghill?), Stoddart, Brady, Freeman, Sewell, Fitzsimmons, ---------(?)
Pg. 5: Cooper, ---------(?), Brannif(?), Gibson, Heathers(?), Warden, McLean, Graham(?), Burnside, Murdock, McColehnie(?), Nesbet, Wilson, Sewell, Young(e?), Love(Levi?), Keaton(Keiton?)
Pg. 6: Keiton(?), Br---y(Brannif?), McGunther, Steadwell, Chong, Kelly, ----------(?), Sheperdson, Matthews, Allandorf(?), Stine, Woods, Shea, Gallamore, Anderson, Maxwell, Roark, Crockett, Henry, McNally(?), Davis(?), McEachnie, Earles(?)
Pg. 7: Teeter, Walker, Wood, Duke, Hannah, Taylor, Love, Meily(?), Brown, Wyvill, Sheathus(?), Sammons(?), Alton, Walden, Ma-----(?), S-------(?), Smith
Pg. 8: Smith, Sammons, Granger(?), Dillon(?), Ha-----(?), Campbell(?), Ma-------(Morrison?), Findley(?), -----(?), Wiggins, Schemehon(?), Macintosh, -------(?), A--------(?), McLane(?), McCarther(?), Wordwell, Walter, Cooper, Holman, McKay, Chittock(?), Jones, Cann, Taylor(?), Campbell, Ohleger(?), Hare, Ferris, Snell, Mcduff
Pg. 9: Perkins, Shorthill, Obrian, Hutchison, Heathers, Stepheson(?), Homes, Ward, Haske-(?), Douglas, Charles(?), Ferguson, McDonald, Hill, Noble, Dymond(?)
Pg. 10: Dymond, Etches(Stokes?), Hawkford, Maynard, Galbreth, Cargo, Chapman, Noble, Jadison, Roadh---(?), Poole, Smith, Oliver, Johns, Walker, Donely, Sproule, McCauley
Pg. 11: Lomas(?), Howard, McEachnie, Leslie, Elliott, Wyvill, LittleJohn, Lucas, MacPherson, --anett(?), Cavanaugh, Aliston, Jurke(Jauke?), Merrium(Marrian?)
Pg. 12: Marrian(?), Welsh, Mortimer, Boles, Armstrong, Rowe, Benson, Phalen, Purvis, Flesher(Hesher?), Firth, Ballard, Matson, Hamilton, McCulla(?), Holby(Holly?), Aitken
Pg. 13: Aitkin, Carter, McCleulla(?), Mcinnis(?), Shore, Goodwill, Bock, Jackson, Gibson, Dillon(?), Green, Shea, Artley, Black, Leaver, Taylor, Mann, Stephenson
Pg. 14: Mc-ae(?), Ba---(?), Hutchison, Wilson, Symno(Symms?), Rutledge, Tucker(?), Irwin, Mercer, Heighes(?), Dundan(?), Martin, Alton(?), McMillan, Heighes
Pg. 15: Murphy, Mcacy(?), McGibbons, Scott, Halburt, Shields, Watson, Pooles(?), Foster, Murray, Perkins, Tod---(Lod---?), Clark, Bryson, ---vill(?), Brooks, Wa--er(?), Walker, Dundan(?), Smith, Matthews, Gingrich, Lyons, Fletcher
Pg. 16: Fletcher, Smith, McDonald, -----son(?), -illfilon(?), Wallace, McArthur, Proctor, Wiley, Hicks, Jackson, Fawcett, Irwin, Rutledge, Staples, Shute(?), McCutcheon, E---ks(?), Sproule, Hesher(Flesher?), Hasket(?), --------ild(?)
Pg. 17: Mathews, Tuck(?), Ego(?), Gum, Ennis(?), McFarland, Jones(?), Walker, Thompson, Lucas, Duff, Noble, Cr----to-(?), Mercer, Bansly(?), Coalter(?)
Pg. 18: Coalter(Coaker?), Kentner, Chalmers, Haslam, Stephen, McK---it(?), Pl--ors(?), Knott, Artley(?), Cook, W---er(?), Love, Johnston, Armstrong, Brady, Anderson, Sewell, Beard, Milligan, Wall
Pg. 19: Herbert(?), McGee, Hawkins, Edwards(Moris?), Campbell, Pritchard, Lyons, Moore, Armstrong, Brown, Ford, Young, Murdock, Lyons
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