Nipissing District, Clergue, Taylor, Walker, Teefy, Calvert,
Aurora Townships 1911 Census
Every Surname Index
Canada Census 1911 District 99 Nipissing, Sub-district #37 Clergue,
Taylor, Walker, Teefy, Calvert, Aurora Townships
Eleven Pages
Transcriber: M. Lemieux
Page 1: Shelswell, Cadeau, Woodard, Antonie, Anthsy, Anthony,
David, Montieth, Monteill, B?ndey, Brown, James, Haley, Tornay,
Great?rad, Mills
Page 2 Mills, Monteith, Wakefad, Fontaine, Rose, Eaton, McCarthy,
Thompson, Sigouin, Levoie, Aeogerde?, Burnett, Spiller, Rolfe, Frei?burger,
Page 3 Good, Weiler, Berry, Hewitt, Michel, Wilkie, Perault, Emond,
Montant, Turgeon, Matso?, Bryant, Waddell
Page 4 Ashby, Paquette, Baker, Joseph, Cavers, G?diner, McPherson,
Robichaud, Lessard, Achaud, Rivert, Szk?vasak. Ayrpjuk, Szkwarsk,
Sza?rouski, Michajkuk, Harpjuk, Vrbranc Zuharink, Lesuk, Kymazuk,
Morsak, Marthe?. Coffey
Page 5 Gamble, Fisher, Plummer, Gorgs?, Gauthier, Brown, Lupien,
Clark, Smith, Rer?, Watt, McCosh, Devlin, Scott, Kuborta, Smith,
Stayrnam, Babj????, Hu??, McCoy, Critche?y
Page 6 Whitton, Filmore, Burwell, Thomas, Kirk, Lowery, Johnston,
Helso, McDongall, Ragnu??, Mottson, Janson, C?dey, Beod, Lowi??,
Lowry, Devlin, Bennett
Page 7 Huntigan, Gooding, Damain, Neitzelle, Jamieson, Thompson,
Ma????, ????bottom, Ogilvie, Watt, Rondeau, Margrat, Dunsford, Raglan,
Wilks, Conway, Hennessey, Shouldice, Livingstone, Hamilton, Madde?,
Ga?ston, Moore, Henessey, Raymond, Martin, Harrington, B?????, White,
Page 8 Arb???d, Mulligan, Champa?gne, Hill, Ginn?, Murrow, LeBlanc,
Ruse, Jamieson, Reise, ??angeas, Poitras, Hughes, Blackaby, Reid
Page 9 Wright, Godin, Wood, Richardson, Simpson, Blackchy, Gibbon,
Walsh, Hard??, Regan
Page 10 Culver, Davies, Mitchell, Faulkner, Jeffrey, Brown, Dick,
Smith, Rose, Schufiales, Berehezeuk, Kalto?iuk, Walk, Galt, McGrath,
Berger, Carriere, Faulkner
Page 11 Wilkie is not open for settlement and as far as I can
find there are no squatters.
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