Ontario, Essex South, Gosfield North, Cottam Village, 1911 census
Every Surname Index
1911 Census Transcriber Ley K O'Connor
Ontario, Essex South, district 67, Gosfield North, Cottam Village, Sub-district 12
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Noble, Malott, Thatcher, Griffith, L?oykett (Boykett?), Pattiepiece, Orton, Buckland, Crossley, Bowers, Jackson, Perkins, June, Orton
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Orton, Moore, Haggins, Haggins, Hqaggins, McMahon, Griffin, Plant, Brown, Cushman, Brooker (Brookes?), Gibbons, Stothart
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Stothart, Jones, Tremble, McInteer, McAlley, McCally, Hunter, Rupert, Jones, Queen
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Queen, Jackson, Wyatt, Church, Swigley, Armstrong, Jackson, Church, Queen, McPherson, Tremble, Cowell, Tremble, Barnmister, Tremble, Wilcox
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Smith, Fraser, Frasier, Gerard, Knight, Bennett, Miller, Smith, Malott, Malott, Miller, Black, Newman, Newman, Rupert, Reid
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Reid, Gammon, Hillier, Hillier, Dewhurst, Brooker, Brooker, Chinch, Lefebre, Bedell, Gammon, Kay, Kay, Newman, Bisbing, Clifford, Merritt, Carter, Mulley, Bachtold, McLead
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McLead, Gillett, Motley, Garlick, Shepard, Reneau, Sheperd, Dennis, Whitney, Tytherleigh?, Downey, Johnston, Lonsberry, Moore, Moore
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Davidson, Malott, Harris, Shebley, Shepard, Queen, Herniman, Brookes, Summerville, Brooker, Smith, Morris, Flint, Fenwick, Miller, Whitney, Aurey?
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Neville, Potter, Burke, Neville, Clark, Smith, Smith, Dollar, Smith, Clark, Clark, Mark, Queen, Hill, Bennett, Hess
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Wagner, Montgomery, Montgomery, Moore, Motley, Mitchell, Reis, Gammon, Neville, Malott, Millen, McCuit?, McCleland, Yaroesky, Parker, Marks, Hines, Malott, Powell, Wilson, Bunling, Buchanan, Bunling (Burling?)
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Burling, Blatonford?, Masso (Mason?), Squire, Bunwell, Gascoyne, Corbett, Malott, Burling, McMillen, Burling, McPherson, Avery, Wyatt, McLead, Vance
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Vance, Myers, Malott, Millen, weott, McWilliams, Vance, White
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