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Ontario 1911 Census Indexing Project
Nipissing consists of the following areas for the 1911 census. Surname indexes are online for the linked locations. If a location is not linked, there is no census surname index for it. Please consider volunteering to help index the 1911 Ontario Census!
1911 Census Indexing Project
The 1911 census became available to the public in July 2005. is working on an every Surname indexing project. If you'd like to help with the 1911 census indexing project contact Laura or Lorine at (replace AT with the @ sign) to ask what census counties are being indexed.
To volunteer: Give us the name of the County, Township, plus District & Subdistrict numbers you want to index. Type surnames in Notepad or any text editor. Don't use a spreadsheet such as Excel. Notepad is best. Type the names Page by Page , in the order they appear on each census Page . Save the index as a TEXT file (census.txt) send it to me by email.
Ontario - District 99: Nipissing |
Ontario - District 99: Nipissing |
1 Airy, Sabine
Airy Township and Sabine Township, Bellwood Siding, Whitney Village, Nipissing Village, Jerusalem Village
2 Anglin
Biggar Township, Boyd Township, Deacon Township, Osler Township, Freswick Township, Lister Township
3 Appleby, Hawley
Appleby Township and Hawley Township
4 Armstrong
Bryce, Beauchamp Township
5 Aurora
Calvert, Edwards, Mortimer, Rickard, Sherring, Stimson, Teefy, Wesley, Sweatman Township
6 Antoine
Eddy, Poitras Township
7 Field
Badgerow, Grant Township
8 Ballantyne
Boulter, Paxton Township
9 Blezard
Hanmer Township, Blezard Valley Village
10 Bonfield
11 Brethour
12 Broder
Dill, Laura, Secord, Servos, Tilton and number 60 Township
13 Bucke
14 Butt
Bishop, McLaughlin, Canisbay, Finlayson, Devine, Peck Township
16 Fraleck
Grigg, Cotton, McLeod, Haentschel Township to Temagamie Forest Reserve
17 Bertram
Cherriman, Falconer, Haddo, Scollard Township
18 Bower, Sproule
Bower Township and Sproule Township
19 Barnet
Beatty, Cook, Bowman, Currie, McCann, McCool Township, Munro, Michaud, Playfair, Guibord, Hislop Township
20 Blackstock
Egan, Carman, Langmuir, Sheraton, Thomas, Timmins Township
21 Blount
Kennedy, Saint John, Fox, Brower, Hanna and Pyne Townships
22 Bond
Cody, Evelyn, Dundonald, German, McCart Township, Newmarket, Little, Macklem, Stock, Matheson, Mann Township
23 Blain
Gross, Sharpe, Marquis, Robillard, Savard Townships
24 Benoit
Burt, Eby, Otto, Maisonville Township
25 Berry
Bonis, Bowyer, Coulson, Milligan, Moody, Knox, Galna, Kerrs, Warden Township
26 Caldwell
27 Caldwell
Verner Village
28 Calvin
29 Cameron
30 Casey, Harris
Casey Township and Harris Township
31 Casimir
Jennings, Hendrie Township and St. Charles Village, part
32 Chisholm
33 Chisholm
34 Clara, Maria
Clara Township and Maria Township, Bissett Village, Bissett Creek, Deux Rivières Village
35 Catharine, Pacaud
Catharine Township and Pacaud Township
36 Chamberlain
Marter Township
37 Clergue
Taylor, Walker, Teefy, Calvert, Aurora Township
38 Cosby
Mason, Allen, Bigwood, Cox, Delamere, Hoskin, Waldie Townships
39 Coleman
40 Charlton, Dack
Charlton Township and Dack Township
41 Cobalt
South Ward
42 Cleland
Falconbridge, Davis, Kelly, Loughrin Township, McCarthy, Scadding, Street, Maclennan Township
43 Glackmeyer
Lamarche Township, Cochrane Town
44 Cobalt
Centre Ward
45 Cobalt
North Ward
46 Coleman
47 Dryden
Awrey, Hagar Township
48 Dunnet
Ratter Township, St. Charles Village, Warren Village
49 Dymond
50 Dana Pardo, Hobbs, McCallum, Thistle, McWilliams, Crerar, Bastedo, Gibbons
51 Elk Lake, Turtle Lake
Elk Lake Township, Turtle Lake Township
52 Evanturel
53 Ferris
Corbeil Village, Nipissing Junction Village
54 Ferris
56 French
Mulock, Merrick, Blyth Township, Charlton, Lockhart, Notman and Stewart Township
57 Firstbrook, Barr
Firstbrook Township, Barr Township
58 Garson, Neelon
Garson Township, Neelon Township
59 Gladman
Garrow, Hammell, Osborne, Kenny, Gooderham Township
60 Gowganda
Haultain, Rankin, Van Hise, Knight, Raymond, Morel, Tyrrell and Chown Townships
61 Gowganda
Lawson, Nichol, Leonard, North Williams, Ray, Leith, Corley, Donovan, Charters Township also Village of Gowganda
62 Harley
Uno Park Village
63 Head
Edgar, Barron, Bronson, Guthrie, Master, Stratton Township
64 Hilliard
65 Hudson, Lundy
Hudson Township, Lundy Township
66 Hugel
67 Hunter, McCraney
Hunter Township, McCraney Township
68 Hutton
Aylmer, Creelman, Parkin, MacKelcan Township
69 Kearns, Henwood
Kearns Township, Henwood Township, Thornloe Village, Milberta Village
70 Kirkpatrick
71 Lauder
Pentland, Wilkes Township
72 Lorrain
73 Lyell
Murchison, Dickens, Dickson, Preston, Clancy Township
74 Larder Lake
75 Lebel
Gauthier, McVittie, McGarry Township and North to Northern Boundary of Larder Lake Mining District
76 Macpherson, Loudon
Macpherson Township, Loudon Township
77 Martland
78 Mattawan, Olrig
Mattawan Township, Olrig Township
79 McKim
80 Milner
Gowganda Mining District
81 Clancy
Fitzgerald, Niven, White Township
82 Capreol, Norman
Capreol Township, Norman Township, Rathbun, Wisner
83 Papineau
84 Ingram, Pense
Ingram Township, Pense Township, Tomstown Village
85 Phelps
86 Springer
87 Temagami Forest Reserve
88 Widdifield
89 Widdifield
90 Unsurveyed territory lying between Transcontinental Railway and Speights base line
91 Indian Reserves
French River, Temagami, Nipissing, Dokis
92 Bonfield
93 Cache Bay
94 Copper Cliff
95 Copper Cliff
96 Englehart
97 Elk Lake
Excepting James Township
98 Hailey bury
99 Hailey bury
100 Latchford
101 Matheson, Carr
Matheson Township, Carr Township
102 Mattawa
Timmins Ward
103 Mattawa
Rosemount Ward, Taggart Ward
104 New Liskeard
105 New Liskeard
106 North Bay
107 North Bay
108 North Bay
109 North Bay
Completion of North Bay Town
110 James
Smyth Town, Elk Lake
111 Sturgeon Falls
112 Sturgeon Falls
113 Sudbury
Ryan Ward
114 Sudbury
Fournier Ward
115 Sudbury
McCormarck Ward - Completion of Sudbury Town
116 Bear Creek
Bear Island, Fort Matatchewan
117 Moose Fort
Moose Factory
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